Winston-Salem Pooper Scooper Service POOP 911

POOP 911 Winston-Salem pooper scooper service yard sign being held by a happy and smiling brown dog.Winston-Salem Pooper Scooper Service POOP 911 is the most trusted pet waste removal company in Winston-Salem, NC and its surrounding foothills. We’re the friendliest, most professional scoopers in the business with prices that can’t be beaten. Nature here is beautiful; colorful trees and flowers as far as the eye can see, but it can become even sweeter when you can enjoy your time in the yard footloose and worry-free with family and friends. Dressed in uniform, we remove pet waste year-round and will even clean, disinfect, and deodorize decks, patios, and dog runs. Weekly, monthly, or just on occasion, we make the process quick and completely customizable.